Вышла версия 5.0.3


TeaM PHPClub
Вышла версия 5.0.3

Вышла очередная версия из стабильной ветки 5.0.x.
Так же, как и ветка 4.3.x, 5.0.x является стабильной ветвью, куда идут только багфиксы, все новые вещи идут в ветку 5.1.x.

Оба релиза (4.3.10 & 5.0.3) уже доступны для скачивания на официальном сайте и зеркалах.
Всем пользователям рекомендуется проапгрейдить версии до соотв-щих релизов.

Список изменений/закрытых багов:
- Added the %F modifier to *printf to render a non-locale-aware representation
of a float with the . as decimal seperator. (Derick)
- Fixed error handling in mysqli_multi_query. (Georg)
- Extended the functionality of is_subclass_of() to accept either a class name
or an object as first parameter. (Andrey)
- Fixed potential problems with unserializing invalid serialize data. (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #31034 (Problem with non-existing iconv header file). (Derick)
- Fixed bug #30995 (snmp extension does not build with net-snmp 5.2). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #30994 (SOAP server unable to handle request with references).
- Fixed bug #30990 (allow popen() on *NIX to accept 'b' flag). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #30967 (properties in extended mysqli classes don't work). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #30928 (When Using WSDL, SoapServer doesn't handle private or
protected properties). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #30922 (reflective functions crash PHP when interfaces extend
themselves). (Tony, Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #30904 (segfault when recording soapclient into session). (Tony,
- Fixed bug #30890 (MySQLi testsuite)
- Fixed bug #30856 (ReflectionClass::getStaticProperties segfaults). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #30832 ("!" stripped off comments in xml parser). (Rob)
- Fixed bug #30799 (SoapServer doesn't handle private or protected properties).
- Fixed bug #30783 (Apache crash when using ReflectionFunction::
getStaticVariables()). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #30750 (Meaningful error message when upload directory is not
accessible). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #30685 (Malformed SOAPClient http header reequest). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #30672 (Problem handling exif data in jpeg images at unusual
places). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #30658 (Ensure that temporary files created by GD are removed).
- Fixed bug #30645 (def. multi result set support for mysql_connect). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #30637 (compile with pear error). (Antony)
- Fixed bug #30587 (array_multisort doesn't separate zvals before
changing them). (Tony)
- Fixed bug #30572 (crash when comparing SimpleXML attribute to a boolean).
- Fixed bug #30566 (attribute namespace URIs are inconsistent when parsing).
- Fixed bug #30490 (PEAR installation fails). (Tony)
- Fixed bug #30475 (curl_getinfo() may crash in some situations). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #30442 (segfault when parsing ?getvariable[][ ). (Tony)
- Fixed bug #30388 (rename across filesystems loses ownership and
permission info). (Tony)
- Fixed bug #30387 (stream_socket_client async connect was broken).
(vnegrier at esds dot com, Wez).
- Fixed bug #30381 (Strange results with get_class_vars()). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #30375 (cal_info() does not work without a parameter). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #30362 (stream_get_line() not handling end string correctly).
- Fixed bug #30359 (SOAP client requests have no port in "Host" field).
- Fixed bug #30356 (str_ireplace() does not work on all strings). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #30344 (Reflection::getModifierNames() returns too long strings).
- Fixed bug #30329 (Error Fetching http body, No Content-Length, connection
closed or chunked data). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #30282 (segfault when using unknown/unsupported
session.save_handler and/or session.serialize_handler). (Tony)
- Fixed bug #30281 (Prevent non-wbmp images from being detected as such).
- Fixed bug #30276 (Possible crash in ctype_digit on large numbers). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #30230 (exception handler not working with objects). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #30224 (Sybase date strings are sometimes not null terminated).
- Fixed bug #30175 (SOAP results aren't parsed correctly). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #30147 (OO sqlite_fetch_object did not reset error handler). (Wez)
- Fixed bug #30133 (get_current_user() crashes on Windows). (Edin)
- Fixed bug #30061 (xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler not called). (Rob)
- Fixed bug #30057 (did not detect IPV6 on FreeBSD 4.1). (Wez)
- Fixed bug #30042 (strtotime does not use second param). (Derick)
- Fixed bug #30027 (Possible crash inside ftp_get()).
(cfield at affinitysolutions dot com)
- Fixed bug #29954 (array_reduce segfaults when initial value is array). (Tony)
- Fixed bug #29883 (isset gives invalid values on strings). (Tony, Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #29801 (Set limit on the size of mmapable data). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29557 (strtotime error). (Derick)
- Fixed bug #29418 (double free when openssl_csr_new fails).
(Kamesh Jayachandran).
- Fixed bug #29385 (Soapserver always uses std class). (David, Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #29211 (SoapClient doesn't request wsdl through proxy). (Rob)
- Fixed bug #28817 (Var problem when extending domDocument). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #28599 (strtotime fails with zero base time). (Derick)
- Fixed bug #28598 (Lost support for MS Symbol fonts). (Pierre)
- Fixed bug #28220 (mb_strwidth() returns wrong width values for some hangul
characters). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #28228 (NULL decimal separator is not being handled correctly).
- Fixed bug #28209 (strtotime("now")). (Derick)
- Fixed bug #27798 (private / protected variables not exposed by
get_object_vars() inside class). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #27728 (Can't return within a zend_try {} block or the previous
bailout state isn't restored. (Andi)
- Fixed bug #27183 (Userland stream wrapper segfaults on stream_write).