Invision Power Board: free encoded and limited trial available


Invision Power Board: free encoded and limited trial available

We're pleased to announce that we have an encoded and limited trial available for those who wish to evaluate Invision Power Board on their own servers.

The trial version is encoded which means you are unable to view the PHP source or modify the PHP source. There are also these hard limits:

* 5000 Posts
* 1000 Topics
* 1000 Personal Messages
* 200 Members
* Bulk Mailer Disabled
* Language Editing Disabled
* Subscriptions Manager Disabled
* SQL Toolbox Disabled

If you exceed any one of limits, your board is turned offline and access to your ACP is removed. If you choose to purchase a full Invision Power Board you can upgrade your trial version so you won't lose your current members, posts, etc.

There will be no support for the free trial other than the knowledge base we're developing to answer the most common questions.

For more information visit our limited trial information page: