формат логов!


формат логов!

Помогите пожалуйста правильно задать формат логов!
У меня в апаче ведуться логи такого типа - - [04/Aug/2004:09:13:21 +0400] "GET http://xxx.xx/img/xxx.gif" 200 158 "http://www.xxx.xx/xxx.php" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"

В скрипте используетсья такой! - - [10/Jan/2001:02:14:14 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1234 "http://www.fromserver.com/from.htm" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"

То есть формат:
LogFormat = "%host %other %logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot %uaquot"
Не подходит! Помогите пожалуйста правльно составить формат!

%host Host client name or IP address
%lognamequot Authenticated login/user with format: "alex"
%logname Authenticated login/user with format: alex
%time1 Date and time with format: [dd/mmm/yyyy:hh:mm:ss +0000] or [dd/mmm/yyyy:hh:mm:ss]
%time2 Date and time with format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
%time3 Date and time with format: Mon dd hh:mm:ss
%time4 Date and time with format: dddddddddd
%methodurl Method and URL with format: "GET /index.html HTTP/x.x"
%methodurlnoprot Method and URL with format: "GET /index.html"
%method Method with format: GET
%url URL only with format: /index.html
%query Query string (used by URLWithQuery option)
%code Return code status (with format for web log: 999)
%bytesd Size of document in bytes
%refererquot Referer page with format: "http://from.com/from.htm"
%referer Referer page with format: http://from.com/from.htm
%uaquot User agent with format: "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible, ...)"
%ua User agent with format: Mozilla/4.0_(compatible...)
%gzipin mod_gzip compression input bytes: In:XXX
%gzipout mod_gzip compression output bytes & ratio: Out:YYY:ZZpct.
%gzipratio mod_gzip compression ratio: ZZpct.
%deflateratio mod_deflate compression ratio with format: (ZZ)
%email EMail sender (for mail log)
%email_r EMail receiver (for mail log)
%virtualname Web sever virtual hostname. Use this tag when same log
%cluster If log file is provided from several computers (merged by
# logresolvemerge.pl), this tag define field of cluster id.
# If your log format has some fields not included in this list, use:
# %other Means another field not used

-~{}~ 04.08.04 12:40:

Ой, простите за несвоевренное создание темы! Вопрос отпал!
З.Ы. Вместо %methodurl надо %methodurlnoprot