define('GOOGLE_MAGIC', 0xE6359A60);
//unsigned shift right
function zeroFill($a, $b)
$z = hexdec(80000000);
if ($z & $a)
$a = ($a>>1);
$a &= (~$z);
$a |= 0x40000000;
$a = ($a>>($b-1));
$a = ($a>>$b);
return $a;
function mix($a,$b,$c) {
$a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= (zeroFill($c,13));
$b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<8);
$c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= (zeroFill($b,13));
$a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= (zeroFill($c,12));
$b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<16);
$c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= (zeroFill($b,5));
$a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= (zeroFill($c,3));
$b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<10);
$c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= (zeroFill($b,15));
return array($a,$b,$c);
function GoogleCH($url, $length=null, $init=GOOGLE_MAGIC) {
if(is_null($length)) {
$length = sizeof($url);
$a = $b = 0x9E3779B9;
$c = $init;
$k = 0;
$len = $length;
while($len >= 12) {
$a += ($url[$k+0] +($url[$k+1]<<8) +($url[$k+2]<<16) +($url[$k+3]<<24));
$b += ($url[$k+4] +($url[$k+5]<<8) +($url[$k+6]<<16) +($url[$k+7]<<24));
$c += ($url[$k+8] +($url[$k+9]<<8) +($url[$k+10]<<16)+($url[$k+11]<<24));
$mix = mix($a,$b,$c);
$a = $mix[0]; $b = $mix[1]; $c = $mix[2];
$k += 12;
$len -= 12;
$c += $length;
switch($len) /* all the case statements fall through */
case 11: $c+=($url[$k+10]<<24);
case 10: $c+=($url[$k+9]<<16);
case 9 : $c+=($url[$k+8]<<8);
/* the first byte of c is reserved for the length */
case 8 : $b+=($url[$k+7]<<24);
case 7 : $b+=($url[$k+6]<<16);
case 6 : $b+=($url[$k+5]<<8);
case 5 : $b+=($url[$k+4]);
case 4 : $a+=($url[$k+3]<<24);
case 3 : $a+=($url[$k+2]<<16);
case 2 : $a+=($url[$k+1]<<8);
case 1 : $a+=($url[$k+0]);
/* case 0: nothing left to add */
$mix = mix($a,$b,$c);
/*-------------------------------------------- report the result */
return $mix[2];
//converts a string into an array of integers containing the numeric value of the char
function strord($string) {
for($i=0;$i<strlen($string);$i++) {
$result[$i] = ord($string{$i});
return $result;
function get_pr($url) {
if (($url.""!="")&&($url.""!="http://")):
// check for protocol
if (substr(strtolower($url),0,7)!="http://"):
$google_url=sprintf("http://www.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&ch=6%u&features=Rank&q=".$url,$checksum); // url to get from google
$handle = fopen($google_url, "rb");
$contents = '';
while (!feof($handle)) {
$contents.= fread($handle, 8192);
if (isset($p[2])):
return $result;
function getPR_url($url)
global $db;
if (eregi('^http://www.',$url)) {
$url_www = str_replace('http://www.','http://',$url);
} else {
$url_www = str_replace('http://','http://www.',$url);
if ($pagerank<$pagerank_www) {
if ($pagerank==-1) {
return intval($pagerank);
// a^u^a^i^a" ?a*c,o'e"u"o`a`o`a`
$pr = getPR_url("http://www.perspectiff.ru");
echo $pr;