Да-да, вот именно что в INSTALL.TXT не все понятно:
To set up the DVD database, you will need:
1 MySQL Server, available from http://www.mysql.com
1 Apache server with PHP enabled. (http://www.apache.org and
http://www.php.net respectively).
Some friends.
Some DVD's.
To prepare for installation, set up a database on your mysql server and
configure access permissions. See the mysql documentation for information
on how to do this, but at a pinch, the following should work:
create database dvddb;
базу создал
grant all privileges on dvddb.* to dvddb@localhost identified by
Как надо grant all privileges???
flush privileges;
как надо flush?
Create the database tables and insert default data by running a command
something like this:
mysql -udvddb -p dvddb < dvddb.sql
Таблицу то создать в базе легко, но возникает миллион вопросов о ее ПАРАМЕТРАХ.
а строка sql запроса выдает ошибку smile
Check out the database and look at some of the default data. The country,
region and genre tables are populated by default. You may want to replace,
remove, or add to this data so it's applicable for your area. (As of version
0.3, it's possible to edit all these tables through the admin pages, so you
don't need to go in the backend and do it).
У меня by default ничего не создалось.
Next, move the contents of the web directory to somewhere where it's
accessable over the web.
Edit the file inc/db.php and set the login, password and database
information for the database you've already set up.
с этим тоже ясно
You should now be at the point where you can connect to the page and view
it. You should only have the login and new login menu options available.
с вашей помощью до этого поинта дойду smile
At this point, create a login for yourself from the new login page.
Next, jump back to a database query window, and update the tiAdmin and
tiEnabled values to 1 for your login. This should be the only time you
need to do this manually, unless you accidentally un-admin yourself.
A query like this ought to do it:
update user set enabled=1,admin=1 where id =1;
с вашей помощью до этого поинта дойду smile
That's basically it. You can now login and look at the Admin page, the
config page, and pretty much do everything from the web side.
м-дя.. basically smile