Установка apache and php

Установка apache and php

Вот впервые ставлю apache and php под Linux
Вроде как все по докам ,без ошибок ,но не могу привязать Php как модуль apache
Когда дело доходит до конфигурации Апачи не могу найти не libphp4.a ,не libmodphp.a
Делал даже поиск по всему диску -ничего
Может что не так делаю,помогите люди добрые ))


4a. Setting up the server. (Dynamic Module)

The make install command in step 3 should have done most of your
work for you. It actually edits your httpd.conf file and tries to
enable the dynamic PHP module. To verify this, look for a line that
looks like this:

LoadModule php4_module libexec/libphp4.so

The actual path before the libphp4.so part might differ slightly. This
is likely fine. If you are paranoid you can examine the output from the
make install step to see where the libphp4.so file was actually put and
place the full path to this file on this LoadModule line.

If somewhere in your httpd.conf file you have a ClearModuleList line
then you also need this line:

AddModule mod_php4.c

And finally you need to tell Apache which file extension should trigger
PHP. You do this by creating a special mime type and associating it
with an extension. We suggest using:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

You are however free to use any extension you wish, including .html.

Note! If a line has a # at the beginning, then it is commented out
and you need to remove the # for that line to take effect.

Finally you need to copy php.ini-dist to the appropriate place
(normally /usr/local/lib/php.ini) and edit if necessary.

Once you have made these changes you should be ready to restart your
server and try it out. Type: apachectl restart