showModalDialog and mozilla


showModalDialog and mozilla

В мозиле не работает єта функция, как ее мона заменить... Результат должен быть таким: при загрузке всплывает окно, на котором наведен фокус, при чем он должен быть только на нем(при клике на парент окно фокус должен оставаться на этом попап окне)....


Автор оригинала: Vital_N
в указывай dependent
Теперь в експлоре проблемы, мозила работает, а експлора нет
Фокус есть в мозиле, а експлора убирает его и показывает парент виндоу


дык ты ж сказал тебе для мозилы ))
dependent не работает в ие
есть кроссбраузерное решение


Главное окно
<title>Main Application Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="simModal.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// function to run upon closing the dialog with "OK".
function setPrefs( ) {
// Statements here to apply choices from the dialog window
<body onclick="checkModal( )" onfocus="return checkModal( )">
<!-- Page Content Here -->
<a href="noPrefs.html" onmouseover="status='Set preferences...';return true"
onmouseout="status='';return true"
onclick="openSimDialog('dialog_main.html', 400, 300, setPrefs);return false">
<!-- More Page Content Here -->
дочернее окно
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// close the dialog
function closeme( ) {
window.close( );

// handle click of OK button
function handleOK( ) {
if (opener && !opener.closed && opener.dialogWin) {
opener.dialogWin.returnFunc( );
} else {
alert("You have closed the main window.\n\nNo action will be taken on the " +
"choices in this dialog box.");
closeme( );
return false;

// handle click of Cancel button
function handleCancel( ) {
closeme( );
return false;
<body onload="if (opener && opener.blockEvents) opener.blockEvents( )" onunload="if
(opener && opener.unblockEvents) opener.unblockEvents( )">
<!--- Dialog Window Page Content Here -->
<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="handleCancel( )">
<input type="button" value=" OK " onclick="handleOK( )">

// Global flag for Navigator 4-only event handling branches.
var Nav4 = ((navigator.appName = = "Netscape") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) = = 4))

// One object tracks the current modal dialog opened from this window.
var dialogWin = new Object( );

// Event handler to inhibit Navigator 4 form element
// and IE link activity when dialog window is active.
function deadend( ) {
if ( && ! { );
return false;

// Since links in some browsers cannot be truly disabled, preserve
// link onclick & onmouseout event handlers while they're "disabled."
// Restore when re-enabling the main window.
var linkClicks;

// Disable form elements and links in all frames.
function disableForms( ) {
linkClicks = new Array( );
for (var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < document.forms.elements.length; j++) {
document.forms.elements[j].disabled = true;
for (i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) {
linkClicks = {click:document.links.onclick, up:null};
linkClicks.up = document.links.onmouseup;
document.links.onclick = deadend;
document.links.onmouseup = deadend;
document.links.disabled = true;
window.onfocus = checkModal;
document.onclick = checkModal;

// Restore form elements and links to normal behavior.
function enableForms( ) {
for (var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < document.forms.elements.length; j++) {
document.forms.elements[j].disabled = false;
for (i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) {
document.links.onclick =;
document.links.onmouseup = linkClicks.up;
document.links.disabled = false;

// Grab all Navigator events that might get through to form
// elements while dialog is open. For IE, disable form elements.
function blockEvents( ) {
if (Nav4) {
window.captureEvents(Event.CLICK | Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEUP | Event.FOCUS);
window.onclick = deadend;
} else {
disableForms( );
window.onfocus = checkModal;

// As dialog closes, restore the main window's original
// event mechanisms.
function unblockEvents( ) {
if (Nav4) {
window.releaseEvents(Event.CLICK | Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEUP | Event.FOCUS);
window.onclick = null;
window.onfocus = null;
} else {
enableForms( );

// Generate a modal dialog.
// Parameters:
// url -- URL of the page/frameset to be loaded into dialog
// width -- pixel width of the dialog window
// height -- pixel height of the dialog window
// returnFunc -- reference to the function (on this page)
// that is to act on the data returned from the dialog
// args -- [optional] any data you need to pass to the dialog
function openSimDialog(url, width, height, returnFunc, args) {
if (! || ( && {
// Initialize properties of the modal dialog object.
dialogWin.url = url;
dialogWin.width = width;
dialogWin.height = height;
dialogWin.returnFunc = returnFunc;
dialogWin.args = args;
dialogWin.returnedValue = "";
// Keep name unique. = (new Date( )).getSeconds( ).toString( );
// Assemble window attributes and try to center the dialog.
if (window.screenX) { // Navigator 4+
// Center on the main window.
dialogWin.left = window.screenX +
((window.outerWidth - dialogWin.width) / 2); = window.screenY +
((window.outerHeight - dialogWin.height) / 2);
var attr = "screenX=" + dialogWin.left +
",screenY=" + + ",resizable=no,width=" +
dialogWin.width + ",height=" + dialogWin.height;
} else if (window.screenLeft) { // IE 5+/Windows
// Center (more or less) on the IE main window.
// Start by estimating window size,
// taking IE6+ CSS compatibility mode into account
var CSSCompat = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode != "BackCompat");
window.outerWidth = (CSSCompat) ? document.body.parentElement.clientWidth :
window.outerHeight = (CSSCompat) ? document.body.parentElement.clientHeight :
window.outerHeight -= 80;
dialogWin.left = parseInt(window.screenLeft+
((window.outerWidth - dialogWin.width) / 2)); = parseInt(window.screenTop +
((window.outerHeight - dialogWin.height) / 2));
var attr = "left=" + dialogWin.left +
",top=" + + ",resizable=no,width=" +
dialogWin.width + ",height=" + dialogWin.height;
} else { // all the rest
// The best we can do is center in screen.
dialogWin.left = (screen.width - dialogWin.width) / 2; = (screen.height - dialogWin.height) / 2;
var attr = "left=" + dialogWin.left + ",top=" + + ",resizable=no,width=" + dialogWin.width +
",height=" + dialogWin.height;
// Generate the dialog and make sure it has focus.,, attr); );
} else { );

// Invoked by onfocus event handler of EVERY frame,
// return focus to dialog window if it's open.
function checkModal( ) {
setTimeout("finishChecking( )", 50);
return true;

function finishChecking( ) {
if ( && ! { );

-~{}~ 04.05.05 15:32:

подработаешь под себя - просто главная фишка Modal - оно возвращает значение - если тебе этого не надо просто используй checkModal


dive now, work later
Команда форума
что-то изменилось в ситуации с cross-browser модальными окнами или тоже подтачивать это под себя?