W3C MathML


W3C MathML

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A MathML for CSS profile: Working Draft
from w3c[World Wide Web Consortium]
2007-04-27: The Math Working Group has published the First Public Working Draft of A MathML for CSS profile. This subset of MathML 3.0 can be used to capture the structure of mathematical formulas in a way particularly suitable for further CSS formatting. Coordinated with ongoing work on CSS Level 3, the profile is expected to facilitate adoption of MathML in Web browsers and CSS formatters. Visit the Math home page. (Permalink)

http://www.w3.org/Math/ - cnраничка проекта

Собственно, еще учась в школе была необходимость в написании формул разных и их редактирования. Вот штукенция хорошая и не дохлый скрипт, а поддерживаемый проект.