xsl:template: error duplicate
xsl:template: error duplicate name 'sub_item_divider'
compilation error: file /home/httpd/hosting/site/manager/xslt/templates/_billet_sym.xslt line 5 element template
xsl:template: error duplicate name 'billet-sym'
compilation error: file /home/httpd/hosting/site/manager/xslt/templates/item_divider.xslt line 5 element template
xsl:template: error duplicate name 'item_divider'
compilation error: file /home/httpd/hosting/site/manager/xslt/templates/item_divider.xslt line 17 element template
xsl:template: error duplicate name 'sub_item_divider'
compilation error: file /home/httpd/hosting/site/manager/xslt/templates/_billet_sym.xslt line 5 element template
xsl:template: error duplicate name 'billet-sym'
[Wed Mar 1 00:05:08 2006] [error] Can't call method "transform" on an undefined value at /home/httpd/site/manager/lib/
На линукс машине все пашет на ура!
Перенашу на FreeBSD машину на апаче стартующем с перлом, полно ошибок, вот такого план, может укого есть мысли на эту тему ?
на линукс машине:
xsltproc -V
Using libxml 20611, libxslt 10108 and libexslt 806
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20611, libxslt 10108 and libexslt 806
libxslt 10108 was compiled against libxml 20611
libexslt 806 was compiled against libxml 20611
xsltproc -V
Using libxml 20623, libxslt 10115 and libexslt 812
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20623, libxslt 10115 and libexslt 812
libxslt 10115 was compiled against libxml 20623
libexslt 812 was compiled against libxml 20623
в гугле нашел подобное описание проблемы
http://axkit.org/archive/message/89/02 (но там также не нашлось решение насколько я понял.)
xsl:template: error duplicate name 'sub_item_divider'
compilation error: file /home/httpd/hosting/site/manager/xslt/templates/_billet_sym.xslt line 5 element template
xsl:template: error duplicate name 'billet-sym'
compilation error: file /home/httpd/hosting/site/manager/xslt/templates/item_divider.xslt line 5 element template
xsl:template: error duplicate name 'item_divider'
compilation error: file /home/httpd/hosting/site/manager/xslt/templates/item_divider.xslt line 17 element template
xsl:template: error duplicate name 'sub_item_divider'
compilation error: file /home/httpd/hosting/site/manager/xslt/templates/_billet_sym.xslt line 5 element template
xsl:template: error duplicate name 'billet-sym'
[Wed Mar 1 00:05:08 2006] [error] Can't call method "transform" on an undefined value at /home/httpd/site/manager/lib/
На линукс машине все пашет на ура!
Перенашу на FreeBSD машину на апаче стартующем с перлом, полно ошибок, вот такого план, может укого есть мысли на эту тему ?
на линукс машине:
xsltproc -V
Using libxml 20611, libxslt 10108 and libexslt 806
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20611, libxslt 10108 and libexslt 806
libxslt 10108 was compiled against libxml 20611
libexslt 806 was compiled against libxml 20611
xsltproc -V
Using libxml 20623, libxslt 10115 and libexslt 812
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20623, libxslt 10115 and libexslt 812
libxslt 10115 was compiled against libxml 20623
libexslt 812 was compiled against libxml 20623
в гугле нашел подобное описание проблемы
http://axkit.org/archive/message/89/02 (но там также не нашлось решение насколько я понял.)