Cannot connect to the Zend Studio Server (Zend Debugger) from the ZDE (Zend Studio Client) using the Debug URL option
Article #10
Product: Zend Studio
Trying to perform 'Debug URL' or 'Profile URL', but operation fails.
Further information
1. Verify that in your web server's php.ini, you have the IP address of
the machine you are running the ZDE (Zend Studio Client) from in this
directive: "zend_debugger.allow_hosts="
If it's not there then add it.
Example: zend_debugger.allow_hosts=,
Make sure you restart your web server after such change.
2. Verify that you can see the string "with Zend Debugger vX.Y.Z," in the
first gray box of the phpinfo() function output.
If not, then it means that the Zend Debugger is not loaded or installed.
3. Verify that you have a file named dummy.php in the server's
document root directory.
If this file is not there, please download it from:
Place the downloaded file in the web server root directory.
4. In ZDE (your client machine) Open the 'Debug' tab in the ZDE
'Preferences' window (accessible through the 'Tools' menu), set the
'Debug mode' to 'Server' and set your server address in the 'Debug
Server URL' directive.
5. Make sure that you enter a full path to a php file in "Debug URL".
Example: in Debug URL, in 'Open Browser At:' fill in:
This way, the Zend Debugger will establish a connection with the Zend
Studio Environment, and you will be able to debug.