Zend Framework 0.9.0 Beta


Zend Framework 0.9.0 Beta

Zend Framework Beta 0.9.0
March 17, 2007

We are very proud to announce Zend Framework Beta Release version 0.9.0. This is the first Beta Release for Zend Framework. Most components have graduated from the incubator to the core library, the class interfaces are stabilizing, and the documentation and tests have been improved significantly.

Some of the highlights and new developments in this release are the following:

* MVC: view integration, output buffering;
* Zend_Auth: new authentication adapters;
* Zend_Db_Table: object-oriented enhancements;
* Zend_Db_Select: enhanced interface, new documentation;
* Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli: native adapter moved to core;
* Zend_Feed: adds a class to produce an RSS/Atom feed;
* Zend_Mail: more features for handling messages in folders;
* Zend_Search_Lucene: now matches the performance of Java Lucene
* Zend_Service_Audioscrobbler, Zend_Service_Delicious, Zend_Service_Simpy: moved to core;
* Zend_Translate: moved to core, new message storage adapters;
* Zend_Validate: improvements to validators for email address and hostnames;
* Zend utility classes: refactored design
* Zend_Log (incubator): fully object-oriented redesign
* Zend_Memory (incubator): for managing data structures in a low-memory environment
* Many other enhancements to test suites and documentation.

Download Zend Framework Beta 0.9.0!

The changelog highlights the most significant changes to the Zend Framework.
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