Кэшеры байткода


TeaM PHPClub
Hi Antony,

Sorry for not getting back to you earlier, i've just started at a new job and i'm quite busy. You are more than welcome to join the project, it's just me at the moment so all help is welcome :)

I will have a look at all your changes soon and we can try and figure out how to merge them in the current code.

Thanks for your efforts and we'll keep in touch.

Kind regards,

это было в начале октября


может стоит напомнить о данном разговоре?
И кстати планируется ли вернуть user cache function?


вообще у APC там целый набор функций
а ещё его вместо мемкэшеда можно юзать вручную:
Was using Memcache and Memcached extensions, painfully bouncing between faults, failures and shortcomings of each. My two cents: Neither of these old drivers has been a smash hit, repressing and slowly dooming of the true potential and full use of unix memcached.

The pain finally drove to me to try APC's apc_store and apc_fetch. The results? Instant success, no more errors, an order of magnitude (at least) speed boost, plus one less thing (memcached) to run. Nice. Never going back again. Thank y'all.
у opCache под FPM также под каждого юзера свои кэши будут?
и ещё - кто-то кодирование php-кода посоветовать может?
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