2 aloner:
Я час копался в рунете (ничего, правда не нашел), а затем еще час в зарубежном секторе, чтобы докопаться до истины. В чем я неправ? В том, что хотел найти подтвержение словам Crazy? Заметь, я нигде не отрицал его утверждение, а всего лишь просил подтвердить его, попутно получая бессмысленные наезды от третьих лиц и их одобрение все тем же Crazy.
Подтверждение я нашел (Crazy - ты все-таки шарящий Developer, хотя и неразговорчивый (-: ), чему и рад - результат положительный, буду больше знать. Непонятно только, почему в рунете, ничего этого нет?
The need for embedded server-parsed scripting languages was apparent, and Microsoft went after this hunger with their ASP, or Active Server Pages, technology. The concept behind ASP, and all other embedded server-parsed languages, is premised upon embedding programming code within the HTML that makes up a web page. The web server interprets and executes this code, replacing the code with its results, and delivering the resulting web page to the browser. Popular though ASP became, many developers continued wanting for a more stable and less proprietary solution: enter PHP, an open-source server-parsed embedded scripting language.
PHP is a so-called server-side scripting language, which means that a PHP program is interpreted on a server, unlike JavaScript, which is a client-side language, i.e. one interpreted by the browser. The concept of active pages was born with the advent of the ASP technology created by Microsoft. They are a mixture of the usual HTML elements and the tags that enclose the program code.
PHP Black Book
by Peter Moulding
Average Customer Review:
list price: $59.99 -- our price: $41.99
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France
Description: The PHP Black Book is a complete and indispensable reference to the PHP open source scripting language version 4.
Embedded in HTML documents, PHP scripts create active server pages. This cross-platform book covers the language syntax, standard library, and integration with various databases ...
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