Хорошо. пусть все "стандартные" модули включаются по умолчанию.>Где можно найти полную документацию о том как включаются конкретные модули?
они включаются нормально опциями configure, спасибо за вопрос.
или что конкретно ты хочешь этим сказать?
Скажем мне хватало php собранного с модулем date. Тут появилась необходимость в модуле dom.а --disable-all отключает всё отключаемое потому, что у опции такое название и предназначение.
C:\загрузки\Source\php-5.3.3>configure --help
Options that enable extensions and SAPI will accept 'yes' or 'no' as a
parameter. They also accept 'shared' as a synonym for 'yes' and request a
shared build of that module. Not all modules can be built as shared modules;
configure will display [shared] after the module name if can be built that
--enable-snapshot-build Build a snapshot; turns on everything it can
and ignores build errors
--enable-one-shot Optimize for fast build - best for release and
snapshot builders, not so hot for
edit-and-rebuild hacking
--with-cygwin Path to cygwin utilities on your system
--enable-object-out-dir Alternate location for binary objects during
--enable-debug Compile with debugging symbols
--enable-debug-pack Release binaries with external debug symbols
(--enable-debug must not be specified)
--disable-zts Thread safety
--enable-prefix where PHP will be installed
--with-mp Tell VC9+ use up to [n,auto,disable] processes
for compilation
--with-php-build Path to where you extracted the development
Assumes that it is a sibling of this source
dir (..\deps) if not specified
--with-extra-includes Extra include path to use when building
--with-extra-libs Extra library path to use when linking
--disable-ipv6 Disable IPv6 support (default is turn it on if
--enable-fd-setsize Set maximum number of sockets for select(2)
--enable-zend-multibyte Enable Zend multibyte encoding support
--with-snapshot-template Path to snapshot builder template dir
--with-aolserver Build AOLserver support
--enable-apache Build Apache 1.3.x version of PHP
--with-apache-includes Where to find Apache 1.3 headers
--with-apache-libs Where to find Apache 1.3 libraries
--enable-apache2filter Build Apache 2.x filter
--enable-apache2-2filter Build Apache 2.2.x filter
--enable-apache2handler Build Apache 2.x handler
--enable-apache2-2handler Build Apache 2.2.x handler
--with-apache-hooks Build Apache 1.3.x (hooks) version of PHP
--disable-cgi Build CGI version of PHP
--disable-cli Build CLI version of PHP
--enable-crt-debug Extra CRT debugging
--enable-cli-win32 Build console-less CLI version of PHP
--enable-embed Embedded SAPI library
--enable-isapi Build ISAPI version of PHP
--enable-nsapi Build NSAPI for Netscape/iPlanet/SunONE
--with-nsapi-includes Where to find NSAPI headers
--with-nsapi-libs Where to find NSAPI libraries
--with-pi3web Pi3Web
--enable-apc Whether to enable APC support
--enable-apc-filehits Whether to enable cache request file info
--enable-apc-spinlocks Whether to use spin locks
--enable-apc-memprotect Whether to enable memory protection
--disable-bcmath bc style precision math functions
--with-bz2 BZip2
--disable-calendar calendar conversion support
--disable-com-dotnet COM and .Net support
--disable-ctype ctype
--with-curl cURL support
--with-dba DBA support
--with-enchant Enchant Support
--without-ereg POSIX extended regular expressions
--enable-fileinfo fileinfo support
--disable-filter Filter Support
--disable-ftp ftp support
--without-gd Bundled GD support
--without-t1lib t1lib support
--with-gettext gettext support
--with-gmp Include GNU MP support.
--disable-hash enable hash support
--with-mhash mhash support
--without-iconv iconv support
--with-imap IMAP Support
--with-interbase InterBase support
--enable-intl Enable internationalization support
--disable-json JavaScript Object Serialization support
--with-ldap LDAP support
--enable-mbstring multibyte string functions
--enable-mbregex multibyte regex support
--disable-mbregex-backtrack check multibyte regex backtrack
--with-mcrypt mcrypt support
--enable-memcache memcache support
--with-mssql mssql support
--with-dblib mssql support with freetds
--without-mysqlnd Mysql Native Client Driver
--with-oci8 OCI8 support
--with-oci8-11g OCI8 support using Oracle 11g Instant Client
--disable-odbc ODBC support
--with-openssl OpenSSL support
--with-pgsql PostgreSQL support
--with-pspell pspell/aspell (whatever it's called this
month) support
--disable-session session support
--enable-shmop shmop support
--with-snmp SNMP support
--enable-sockets SOCKETS support
--with-sqlite3 SQLite 3 support
--with-config-file-scan-dir Dir to check for additional php ini files
--with-sybase-ct SYBASE_CT support
--with-tidy TIDY support
--disable-tokenizer tokenizer support
--with-xdebug Xdebug support
--disable-zip ZIP support
--disable-zlib ZLIB support
--without-libxml LibXML support
--without-dom DOM support
--enable-exif exif
--with-mysql MySQL support
--with-mysqli MySQLi support
--enable-pdo Enable PHP Data Objects support
--with-pdo-dblib freetds dblib (Sybase, MS-SQL) support for PDO
--with-pdo-mssql Native MS-SQL support for PDO
--with-pdo-firebird Firebird support for PDO
--with-pdo-mysql MySQL support for PDO
--with-pdo-oci Oracle OCI support for PDO
--with-pdo-odbc ODBC support for PDO
--with-pdo-pgsql PostgreSQL support for PDO
--with-pdo-sqlite for pdo_sqlite support
--with-pdo-sqlite-external for pdo_sqlite support from an external dll
--disable-phar disable phar support
--enable-phar-native-ssl enable phar with native OpenSSL support
--without-simplexml Simple XML support
--enable-soap SOAP support
--with-sqlite SQLite support
--without-wddx WDDX support
--without-xml XML support
--disable-xmlreader XMLReader support
--with-xmlrpc XMLRPC-EPI support
--disable-xmlwriter XMLWriter support
--with-xsl xsl support
Нет, достаточно добавить --enable-dom.Скажем мне хватало php собранного с модулем date. Тут появилась необходимость в модуле dom.
Мне теперь из за одного модуля ставить "все включено" что бы получить доступ к функциям этого модуля?
Вот где ты вычитал про "--enable-dom"? почему не "--with-dom"?Нет, достаточно добавить --enable-dom
Я на php написал от силы строк 10 кода. Правильное время вообще маловероятно что придет само.Я реально считаю, что если у тебя возникают такие вопросы, то тебе не стоит пока этим заниматься, а лучше попросить кого-нить из старших.
Бля, ну что здесь не понятного ? Опции --with-jpeg-dir НЕТ. А вы говорите - не ругается!
root@server # ./configure --help | grep jpeg
--with-jpeg-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to libjpeg install prefix
ext/zip/lib/zip_dirent.o: In function `memset':
/usr/include/bits/string3.h:83: warning: memset used with constant zero length parameter; this could be due to transposed parameters
output buffering - fatalism [tests/output/ob_011.phpt]
ob_start(): Ensure unerasable buffer cannot be flushed by ob_flush() [tests/output/ob_start_basic_unerasable_005.phpt]
Bug #42718 (unsafe_raw filter not applied when configured as default filter) [ext/filter/tests/bug42718.phpt]
SPL: ArrayObject::exchangeArray() basic usage with object as underlying data store. [ext/spl/tests/arrayObject_exchangeArray_basic3.phpt]
Bug #39863 (file_exists() silently truncates after a null byte) [ext/standard/tests/file/bug39863.phpt]
Это же всего навсего warning. Их там во время компиляции хз сколько./usr/include/bits/string3.h:83: warning: memset used with constant zero length parameter; this could be due to transposed parameters