PHP шагает по планете.... около 32% всех WEB-серверов использую его..
Вышло интерьвью By Rasmus Lerdorf
Do You PHP?
PHP - всюду. В феврале 2004 по статистике Netcraft [] содержащей 47 173 415 доменов, обнаружено что 15 205 474 домено используют PHP. Это - приблизительно 32 процента всех доменов.
Приведены данные распространения с 1999
PHP Tips and Tricks от автора..
1. When you are looking for information on a specific PHP function, go to <function_name>. For example: That takes you directly to the right place in the online manual on a server geographically near you.
2. Try this: pear install apc . The pear command is a useful installer that can even be used to install PHP extensions written in C. In this case, it would install the APC opcode cache extension.
3. Use an opcode cache to improve performance. See #2.
4. There is nothing wrong with mixing OOP and procedural code in PHP. Use objects when they make sense, and go procedural for the rest.
5. Extending PHP with your own custom C or C++ extensions is easier than you might think. See README.EXT_SKEL in the PHP source distribution.
6. The echo <<<EOB syntax is useful for outputting blocks of text with full $variable substitution, without needing to escape anything. EOB;
7. PATH_INFO is good! Use it to clean up ugly URLs.
8. Use a profiler, pear install apd.
9. Database abstraction is mostly a myth. There is nothing wrong with direct database calls' making use of all the tricks and cheats your chosen database has to offer, to tweak as much performance as possible out of it.
10. Keep your base technology and building blocks simple. Stay with a nonthreaded Web server, and avoid complex frameworks and abstraction layers, to give yourself a chance to trace and debug any problems that may come up. Solving the Web problem is simple; don't try to make it hard.
Вышло интерьвью By Rasmus Lerdorf
Do You PHP?
PHP - всюду. В феврале 2004 по статистике Netcraft [] содержащей 47 173 415 доменов, обнаружено что 15 205 474 домено используют PHP. Это - приблизительно 32 процента всех доменов.
Приведены данные распространения с 1999
PHP Tips and Tricks от автора..

1. When you are looking for information on a specific PHP function, go to <function_name>. For example: That takes you directly to the right place in the online manual on a server geographically near you.
2. Try this: pear install apc . The pear command is a useful installer that can even be used to install PHP extensions written in C. In this case, it would install the APC opcode cache extension.
3. Use an opcode cache to improve performance. See #2.
4. There is nothing wrong with mixing OOP and procedural code in PHP. Use objects when they make sense, and go procedural for the rest.
5. Extending PHP with your own custom C or C++ extensions is easier than you might think. See README.EXT_SKEL in the PHP source distribution.
6. The echo <<<EOB syntax is useful for outputting blocks of text with full $variable substitution, without needing to escape anything. EOB;
7. PATH_INFO is good! Use it to clean up ugly URLs.
8. Use a profiler, pear install apd.
9. Database abstraction is mostly a myth. There is nothing wrong with direct database calls' making use of all the tricks and cheats your chosen database has to offer, to tweak as much performance as possible out of it.
10. Keep your base technology and building blocks simple. Stay with a nonthreaded Web server, and avoid complex frameworks and abstraction layers, to give yourself a chance to trace and debug any problems that may come up. Solving the Web problem is simple; don't try to make it hard.