Project: Treebeard
(XSLT transformer/editor) A text editor that allows the loading and editing of an XML document and an XSLT document at the same time. It also can apply the XSLT to the XML and display the output for further editing/saving. Plugable XML and XSLT parsers
Говорят free'n'cool
Кто юзал сие творение? Щас нравится Xselerator2.5, но триал кончается а лекарства нет
(XSLT transformer/editor) A text editor that allows the loading and editing of an XML document and an XSLT document at the same time. It also can apply the XSLT to the XML and display the output for further editing/saving. Plugable XML and XSLT parsers
Говорят free'n'cool

Кто юзал сие творение? Щас нравится Xselerator2.5, но триал кончается а лекарства нет