Apache 2.0.35 & PHP 4.x.x


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Apache 2.0.35 & PHP 4.x.x


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Anyway, here goes again.

1) Apache 2.0.35 does not work with PHP 4.2.0RC3 or less
2) Apache2 is GA release (it means almost stable I guess), but
PHP's Apache2 support is EXPERIMENTAL. Do not complain even
if it does not work well or at all.
3) You must use "--with-apxs2" to build with Apache2.
4) You must read ./confiugre --help and sapi/apache2filter/README.

If you see "Apahce2 does not compile with PHP 4.1.2/4.2.0RC2"
like post, please let them know, they are suppose to search archive.

BTW, Apache2 support may not available in PHP 4.2.0 release. Since
too many people will not read RELEASE notes and will not notice
Apache2filter SAPI is *EXPERIMENTAL*.


Re: Apache 2.0.35 & PHP 4.x.x

А можно по-русски и в двух словах.

Типа PHP с новым Apache ПОКА не совместим ...


Re: Re: Apache 2.0.35 & PHP 4.x.x

Продолжаем тему ;)

PHP 4.2.0 RC 3 Released

A third release candidate for PHP 4.2.0 has just been released, with support for the recent Apache 2.0.35 release as well as numerous collected bug fixes. This build is used for testing the readiness of the release branch. By providing feedback about this build, you can help make sure that the actual release (planned for April 22) has as few bugs as possible. This release candidate is NOT meant for production servers, only for helping out the PHP-QA Team finding weak spots. For more information, see the PHP QA website.

По русски (в двух словах):
... Вышел третий релиз кандидат PHP 4.0.2 с поддержкой Apache 2.0.35
... Выход "окончательного" релиза запланирован на 22.04.2002